Longest Powered Lawnmower Chin Balance
https://youtu.be/VoRZDwTSMwsRecords are made to be broken, and after a 4 year break, I took this…
Check out David’s latest endeavors here!
https://youtu.be/VoRZDwTSMwsRecords are made to be broken, and after a 4 year break, I took this…
https://youtu.be/IrwFY68hW9cI once vowed never to attempt this record again. I hate eating records. This is…
https://youtu.be/-H2N4DJ4V-wNo One Can Put on a T-shirt Faster Than Me…As the world grappled with the…
https://youtu.be/OqVjH8MU904In my quest to hold the most concurrent Guinness World Records titles, I took on…
https://youtu.be/PbkVhFSQFaQHow I Broke a World Record with Two Balloons and My HeadHave you ever wondered…
https://youtu.be/qrh-Ghke15MI have set my most ambitious goal ever. In 2021, I achieved the goal of breaking…
https://youtube.com/shorts/5T7y1S5n4Jw?feature=shareIn my quest to reclaim the record for the fastest time to burst 200 balloons…
https://youtube.com/shorts/8kthHmS1DjQ?feature=sharehttps://youtube.com/shorts/8kthHmS1DjQ?feature=shareSome say that different M&M colors taste different, and if you’re picky about which colors…
https://youtu.be/P_vurSILTiwGuinness World Records Title for The Most Pencils Snapped in 30 SecondsI’ve always been fascinated…
https://youtu.be/LmLoY_4mOuUf someone had told me a year ago that I would be setting a Guinness…