Catching Blind Behind the Back

Hey there, David Rush here, your favorite record-breaking enthusiast! I’m back with another thrilling(?) tale from my quest to hold the most concurrent Guinness World Records titles. This time, I’m taking you behind the scenes of a record that’s about agility, coordination, and a little bit of backhand magic.

The Challenge: Most Behind-the-Back Catches in One Minute (Team of 2)

When I first stumbled upon this record, I’ll admit, I was clueless about what I had signed up for. But as soon as I laid eyes on the rules, I knew we could do it. What? Catch tennis balls. The method? Over the head, no peeks, and a thrower-catcher distance that would make a quarterback proud.

Enter Jonathan “Hollywood” Hannon, my trusted partner in crime. With a name like Hollywood, you know the throws are going to be nothing short of spectacular. We armed ourselves with a stash of tennis balls and set out to beat the record. After numerous attempts, we did it! We smashed the record, only to have it snatched away from us shortly after.

But fate had more in store for us. Hollywood had moved across the country, so I visited him in Michigan to reunite with my record-breaking buddy. The stage was set in the gym of his kids’ new school, amidst an all-school assembly buzzing with excitement. The pressure was on, and it was unclear if our single practice session the night before would suffice.

The new record stood at an intimidating 25 catches. Our best? 22. With 300 students cheering us on, Hollywood launched the tennis balls into the air, and I, with all my juggling training, reached for them behind my back. Passes were dropped, throws fell short, and some even bounced off my head. We were racing against the clock, with the students’ class time ticking away.

But then, something clicked. The balls soared, my hands moved with precision, and the catches kept coming. As the final seconds slipped away, we held our breath. The video review confirmed it: 26 catches. We had done it! Record number 177 was in the bag, inching me closer to my ultimate goal of holding 181 records.

Here’s to all the dreamers, the doers, and the record chasers—let’s keep the ball rolling!

Until next time, keep breaking records and pushing limits. C’mon, let’s make history together!

David “Record Breaker” Rush

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the video of our record-breaking moment and join the journey on my YouTube channel, Record Breaker Rush1. Let’s inspire the world, one record at a time!

David Rush is a serial record-breaker with over 300 records to his name. He’s a juggler, a STEM advocate, and a man on a mission to inspire others to believe in the power of a growth mindset. Follow his adventures at Record Breaker Rush and David Rush for STEM.


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